Sales & Orders Now Supports Pinterest and Snapchat Product Catalogs

Today, we take yet another giant step forward towards helping ecommerce merchants reach more shoppers across even more surfaces on the digital shelf space.

As part of our award-winning Feed Tool solution for ecommerce businesses, merchants can now generate, modify, and optimize product catalogs for both Pinterest and Snapchat.

Fully integrated with platforms such as BigCommerce, Shopify, Magento, and support for other ecommerce solutions such as WooCommerce, Sales & Orders has already been able to help thousands of merchants extend the reach of their brand and grow sales on some of today’s major retail channels for growth including:

  • Google Shopping
  • Microsoft Advertising – Bing
  • Facebook & Instagram

This exciting news comes just as we at Sales & Orders celebrate our 4th, award winning nomination during the 2020 BigCommerce Technology Partner Awards in Customer Growth.

Why Pinterest & Snapchat?

Everything begins with product feeds and just like for Google or Facebook, submitting products to Pinterest and Snapchat opens up an ecommerce merchant’s ability to reach more shoppers in both paid and unpaid formats.

Having just completed our integration for enhancing Facebook & Instagram product catalogs, we’ve also been quietly working to bring even more channels under the Sales & Orders family of integrations.

We’ve heard from our users, our customers, our partners and know how important it is – likely more so than ever before – for us to continue to adhere to our mission to help companies and people grow.

Now, thousands of merchants already using Sales & Orders and any of those yet to work with us will be able to get feeds for both Pinterest and Snapchat – the first step towards:

What it truly comes down to is the value that these channels bring to ecommerce merchants. Especially in the time of the coronavirus and continued spread of COVID-19 throughout the world, retailers must invest more heavily in an omnichannel marketing strategy than ever before to be able to reach more shoppers wherever, and however they are shopping online.

According to a study run by eMarketer in 2019, it was found that nearly 50% of the hundreds of millions of Pinterest users are actively using the platform for shopping.

Pinterest for Shopping

With what is likely now more than 238 million daily active users, Snapchat has reported that about 35% are sending snaps about products they are interested in. Product Ads on Snapchat are an emerging trend for retailers and it is exciting to be able to support them in onboarding.

Snapchat Shopping Stats

How will Pinterest & Snapchat Feeds work within S&O?

Our initial launch is just the beginning of the plans to expand our app’s capabilities for both Pinterest and Snapchat.

While we are not starting with full-fledged integrations to either platform, we are leveraging our app’s existing Feed Tool Multi-Channel Add-On feature that had already been able to generate TXT format copies of product feeds/catalogs for Google, Microsoft Advertising (Bing), Facebook/Instagram, and PriceWaiter.

By incorporating our app’s modification and optimization rules, merchants can also alter key product feed/catalog attributes such as Product Titles, Descriptions, add Custom Labels. Rules can be applied in bulk or can also be isolated by specific channel.

Catalogs for Pinterest and Snapchat

This allows merchants to make unique changes to their product data or feed/catalog inventory specific to each channel. It can be used to exclude specific products or groups of products from one channel to the next as well.

The feature itself comes “out of the box” for our managed services customers and select self-management plan tiers.

Anyone on a free level plan can upgrade to add both Pinterest and Snapchat Product Catalogs for only $20/mo which will also include file exports for Google, Microsoft Advertising (Bing), and Facebook/Instagram by default.

